Yellow spring road japan

Is the Yellow Spring Road Japan Real?

Have you seen the picture of the Yellow Road in Japan? Is it real and what caused it? These are likely the questions running through your mind. Don’t worry, Best Lagos is here with your answers!

Yellow spring road japan

Imagine a road filled with the colour yellow on both sides, the tranquillity and warmth you would feel. Images like this make people question if the Yellow Spring Road is real. Our answer to that question is Yes, the yellow spring road in Japan is real

A TikTok user shared a viral captivating video displaying a mesmerizing row of vibrant yellow trees adorning the entire length of a road, with one tree gracefully arching over it. The caption under the video reads ‘ Places on earth that don’t feel real.’

How was the road formed?

The yellow effect of the road is due to the presence of the trees. The trees are called Gingko trees. The Ginkgo tree has green leaves in spring and summer. However, the leaves change colour to golden yellow during Fall.

Ginkgo trees

The Gingko tree, scientifically known as Ginkgo biloba, holds a special place in the heart of Japan, where it has become an iconic symbol of resilience, longevity, and cultural significance. This ancient species, native to China, has thrived in Japan for centuries, adorning landscapes with its distinctive fan-shaped leaves and captivating history.

Historical Significance

The Gingko tree, often referred to as “Icho” in Japanese, has deep-rooted historical connections in Japan. It is believed that the tree was introduced to the country during the Edo period (1603-1868) as an ornamental plant. The Gingko’s adaptability to various environmental conditions made it a favoured choice for landscaping in temples, shrines, and palace gardens.

Gingko trees are often associated with spiritual significance, symbolizing endurance and the cyclical nature of life. Some of the oldest Gingko trees in Japan can be found on temple grounds, such as Tokyo’s Senso-ji Temple and Kyoto’s Toji Temple, where they have stood for centuries, bearing witness to the passage of time.

Distinctive Features

One of the most striking features of the Gingko tree is its unique fan-shaped leaves that turn a brilliant golden yellow during the autumn season. The foliage creates a breathtaking display, attracting locals and tourists alike. The leaves are also known for their medicinal properties, as extracts from Gingko biloba have been used in traditional medicine for various purposes, including improving cognitive function.

Economic importance


One of the key economic contributors associated with the Gingko tree is the medicinal industry. Extracts from the leaves of Ginkgo biloba have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. In Japan, the tree’s therapeutic properties are harnessed for various health supplements and herbal remedies.

While Gingko leaves are renowned for their medicinal properties, the seeds also contain compounds that are valued in traditional medicine. Extracts from Gingko seeds are believed to have antioxidant properties and may contribute to overall health. However, it’s essential to note that proper processing is required to remove potentially harmful substances, as raw or unprocessed seeds can be toxic.

The demand for Ginkgo-based products believed to enhance cognitive function and promote overall well-being, contributes significantly to the country’s herbal medicine market.

Pharmaceutical Research and Development

The Gingko tree’s leaves contain compounds known as flavonoids and terpenoids, which have garnered attention in pharmaceutical research. Ongoing studies explore the potential of Ginkgo biloba extracts in treating conditions such as dementia and peripheral vascular diseases.

Culinary Uses

In Japanese cuisine, Gingko seeds find a place in both traditional and modern dishes. Known as “ginnan,” these seeds are a delicacy appreciated for their distinctive taste. After thorough washing and cooking to remove any potential toxins, the seeds are often incorporated into various recipes, adding a nutty flavour and a unique texture. Ginnan can be found in soups, and rice dishes, and even enjoyed as a snack.

Landscaping and Urban Development:
The adaptability of the Gingko tree to various environmental conditions makes it a popular choice for landscaping in urban areas. Streets, parks, and public spaces across Japan are adorned with these resilient trees, contributing to the aesthetic appeal of cities. The demand for Gingko trees in landscaping projects supports nurseries and horticultural businesses, providing economic opportunities.

Tourism and Cultural Promotion

The striking golden hues of Gingko leaves during autumn create picturesque landscapes that attract tourists from around the world. Popular tourist destinations, including temple grounds and historical sites adorned with Gingko trees, contribute to the tourism industry. Local businesses, such as hotels, restaurants, and souvenir shops, benefit from the influx of visitors seeking to experience the beauty and cultural significance of these iconic trees.

Bonsai Cultivation

The art of bonsai, the cultivation of miniature trees, is deeply rooted in Japanese culture. The Gingko tree, with its unique leaves and symbolism, is a sought-after choice for bonsai enthusiasts. The cultivation and sale of Gingko bonsai contributes to the horticultural market, supporting small businesses and nurseries specializing in bonsai cultivation.

Resilience and Survival

The Gingko tree’s remarkable resilience is highlighted by its ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions, including pollution and pests. This adaptability has allowed it to thrive in urban settings, making it a common sight in Japanese cities and towns. Despite facing extinction in the wild millions of years ago, the Gingko has persisted through cultivation and care.

Cultural References

The Ginkgo tree has strong significance on Japanese culture and art. Its distinctive leaves are often featured in traditional patterns on textiles and ceramics. The symbolism of the Gingko extends beyond aesthetics, as it represents endurance, hope, and the enduring connection between nature and humanity.


The Gingko tree stands tall in Japan, not just as a majestic botanical specimen but as a living testament to the intertwining of nature and culture. Its enduring presence in temples, gardens, and city streets serves as a reminder of the resilience and longevity that characterizes both the tree and the Japanese spirit. The popular TikTok video allows netizens to appreciate the beauty of the Gingko and also celebrate the rich tapestry of history and tradition that it has woven into the fabric of Japan.

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